
A very moving experience

Seven words I’ve come to dread and loathe: “Hey! What are you doing this weekend?” Why? I’ve come to realize that these words are never followed up by suggestions of fun activities like golf games, ski trips, dinner theatre and so on. When people want to do things like this they phrase the question more […]

A Pain in the App

A pain in the app

Dear Parent or Guardian, We are reaching out today, on this perfectly viable communication method known as email, to let you know you have to download and install yet another app so that we can communicate with you. This app replaces the one we insisted you download last year, TooCoolForSchool. Please note, we’ve heard the […]

it should be patentely obvious

It should be patently obvious

They say Necessity is the mother of invention. (We don’t know who the father is yet, because Necessity is keeping quiet until she can launch a paternity suit.) “They” are definitely right. All I wanted to do, you see, is vacuum the rug. It desperately needed a good cleaning, because we broke Chandra’s Decorating Tip […]

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