
Too Fast? I Wish…

I write a lot. There are letters to friends, replies to readers, articles, texts, social media comments, columns, and books. Some days I  live in front of the computer. I think my fingers are flattening out at the tips — a modern day version of the scribe’s middle-finger callus I suppose. I hear a lot […]

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror…

They say truth is stranger than fiction, but sometimes truth is created from fiction. No, no, I do not mean the latest press releases from the US government or Britain’s Royal Family. I’m referring to a system developed by a French company. It is a “mirror” that reflects the way you *might* look in the […]


iWag the Dog

With the cure for cancer still on the distant horizon, a group of students at MIT has decided to create a digital dog collar. The project was for a MIT Media Lab class in which they were asked to come up with user-friendly computer tools. Called SNiF (Social Networking in Fur), the collar had many […]

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