Image Credit: EarthWatch/ FreshWater Watch


With FreshWater Watch app you are joining a worldwide citizen Science venture which examines the wellbeing of the world’s fresh water systems.

Fresh water is very important for supporting life. And freshwater eco-systems provide essential benefits for all living beings on the planet. However, this natural resource is very limited and needs to be regulated and preserved. As the population of the world grows, urban developmental, industrial progresses, and agricultural expansion intensifies the pressure on this resource.

To effectively deal with the world’s fresh water resources, it is important to enhance our understanding of how water quality fluctuates over landscapes and time. Shockingly, very little information is currently accessible. Such data is troublesome and tedious for researchers to accumulate, which is the place citizen scientists come in and lend a hand. With your assistance, FreshWater Watch can fill holes in our insights aroundthe globe.

You will join a system of more than 20 research projects that are being encouraged by Earthwatch with the help of the HSBC Water Program. FreshWater Watch offers a dedicated training program which educates you about fresh water issues, what can go wrong and how to examine irregularities in water bodies around you. The initiative is a joint venture of a number of research institutions, each of which is exploring specific issues around freshwater. Institutions can also devise their own bespoke project. The venture also engages teachers and pupils, often conducting workshops in geography, ecology, data gathering and scientific enquiry, with the goal of making everyone able to recognize, report anomalies and help devise strategies for water preservation.

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