
Ian McDonald is trying very hard not to think about how the world might be going to hell in a handbag. After all, what’s he going to be able to do about it? He’s just this guy, stuck in a small town, pinned there by a load of student debt and a stalled writing career. Oh, and a wicked case of writer’s block.

Or at least he was, until a dragon showed up in his bedroom. At midnight. Quoting Freud and muttering about the space-time continuum.

So of course, Ian must Make a Choice and decide whether he wants to follow the dragon back into the Connectome and find his muse again, or stay in a house that surely wants to kill him, one repair bill at a time.

And maybe, just maybe, he might find out that some things are worth fighting for.

Even if all you have is a can opener.


Themes and keywords: Dragons, puns, climate fiction, humorous fantasy, humourous fantasy

Write Humor

It's one thing to come up with a one-liner at a party. But how do you write great jokes day after day, week after week? This book will show you how.

Write Humor! is a complete, six-week course that will teach you how to add zing to your writing. Learn how to generate ideas, pick the best material, and polish your work. Get dozens of useful humor writing tips, techniques, and methods.

You'll find it helpful whether you want to write a weekly column, funny one-liners for t-shirts or greeting cards, or to just add levity to your fiction and nonfiction. Great for beginners and pros alike.

Note: This book was previously published under the title: Humour Writing: The Art of Being Funny. This version has been revised and updated.

Keywords and Themes: how to write humor, writing comedy, writing funny material, learn how to write